10 ways to save Christmas

The holidays are a lovely time to spend with family, but sometimes the dinner table can get a little stressful when the dreaded topic comes up: politics. In preparation of trying to keep the peace this Christmas, I have compiled a list of 10 tactics to help save Christmas… or at least your sanity.

  1. Make sure to prepare, before you get to Christmas dinner. Make yourself a list of topics specific to your family that everyone can agree on. For my family this includes “the sky is blue” and um…. If all else fails find a rant partner that you know will agree with you to limit the risk of explosion.

  2. Make sure someone brings a baby (either human, canine or feline) that will attract attention.

  3. Talk about funny family stories. You can stick to the tried and true ones that get told over and over again (like the time that your grandfather thought that the dog food was swiss steak). Or ask for new stories from the older members of your family. It may not seem like it now, but back in their day your grandparents may have been cool. 

  4. Talk about something you learned in class that no one else understands enough to form an opinion on and just bore everyone to death (like my sister does when she talks about perovskite solar panels and new photovoltaic technologies… whatever that means).

  5. Give yourself the challenge to compliment everyone at the table at least once (as long as you are sincere and non-condescending, who can be upset with a compliment?)

  6. Make sure to talk about the weather, just maybe stay away from the issue of climate change.

  7. Come up with a really insane political take that will stop the table cold.

Weird Uncle: “The moon landing was faked!”

Me: “You believe in the moon?!?”

  1. Update your family on Gen Z technology protocol. You can educate your family on how to use emojis correctly in serious texting conversations. (No, the crying emoji is not appropriate for expressing grief)

  2. Find less controversial debate topics - like how people prefer their haystacks (Remind yourself it’s not a salvation issue and make sure to remember the love of Jesus).

  3. These people are just going to be who they are and they are family. If all else fails just nod your head and move on.

By Aubrey Benton