The Graphic Arts

Mirage3D is a Dutch animation and graphic arts studio that creates a variety of immersive experiences. In 1998, Mirage3D formed at the International Planetarium Society Conference in London. The company became known for its use of innovative technology that brought incredible storytelling to a large audience. The company specializes in giant screen, immersive and full-dome content. They have worked on designs for shows at planetariums as well as virtual reality.  Some of the projects that Mirage3D has created include “Mars: One Thousand One,” “Origins of Life” and “Natural Selection.”

One of their productions is currently being presented in Lincoln at Mueller Planetarium.  Through December 1, there will be showings of their latest masterpiece, “Dinosaurs Dusk: The Origins of Flight.” The experience lasts 45 minutes. The film won the 2013 Jena Fulldome Festival Award for the Most Innovative Use of Fulldome Production. The show aims to educate people on aspects of paleontology, geology and astronomy. John Zawiskie, Curator of Earth and Life Sciences Cranbrook Institute of Science, praised this production as, “Natural history at its best!” 

The story follows a father and daughter exploring the era of dinosaurs. The Tricassious, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods are all explored in this production, allowing people to feel immersed in an incredibly old, dinosaur-roamed Earth. Many people have a mental depiction of dinosaurs from movies like Jurassic Park or Jurassic World. This production allows the audience to not only enjoy, but also experience an academic piece about dinosaurs. The show concludes with the dinosaur’s last day on earth. “Dinosaurs Dusk” The Origins of Flight” is vividly alive for audiences of any age. 

Gianna Starr is a senior studying history.