Andrea Fernandez



Meet Andrea, a senior Nursing student from Wisconsin. She also recently celebrated her 25th birthday, meaning she’s a little older than most grads. She went to a state college in Wisconsin after graduating high school, and she hated her first year. After that, she took some time off of school so she could work. Then her brother visited Union his senior year, and they both decided to attend the following year.

She says that taking Gen Eds as a 22 year old with 17-18 year olds was hard. There was a bit of a disconnect for her, but once she got into the program, where most people were around her age or older, Andrea felt much more connected with her class. One thing she notes about the difference between a state university and Union is that connectedness. In a giant university you don’t really get to know your professors as opposed to Union where they are a lot more involved. While she is graduating later than most, she’s glad to be where she is now.

Francisco Campos is a senior studying Computing & Photo Video Imaging