Harvey’s Harvest returns

 Annual outdoor vespers provide food and fellowship 

Harvey’s Harvest has been an annual celebration and introductory vespers for many years, a time for students to get off campus, spend time together, bond with board games, enjoy good food and a spiritual message to bring in the Sabbath. This Harvey’s Harvest was brought to us on September 13, 2024, by Campus Ministries in association with Harvey and Nancy Meier, the owners of the property in which the Harvest is held. Brynna Taylor, a student at Union Adventist University said, “There are lots of people and food. It always feels good to have worship outside, so I think that’s a great idea.” The focus of the event has always been centered around community whether it has been in the enjoying food or the spiritual presence there. 

The Harvest started at 4:30 p.m. with students coming to mingle with their friends while playing games on the field. Dinner started at 5:00 p.m. and was served until around 6:30 p.m. where students were encouraged to hear a spiritual message and have prayer to welcome the Sabbath and the new year at Union Adventist University. Erin Cramer said, “I appreciate that they plan ahead with the food and games, and they have good music, like camp songs. It feels more interactive than a normal vespers.”

Ellie Britain presented the message titled, “A Community of God’s Children,” discussing the necessary efforts and actions taken to make a community that loves each other and treats each other with respect and love as brothers and sisters in Christ.Furthermore, new students were formally introduced to the idea of the Sabbath Candle Ceremony at Harvey’s Harvest. The introduction of the Sabbath candle is a tradition in which Campus Ministries lights a candle in order to symbolically welcome the Sabbath amongst the students and to further symbolize the Holy Spirit inhabiting the atmosphere around the Sabbath. Back then, Harvey’s Harvest was the perfect way for students to learn about this tradition and understand the massive impact it would have in present times. 

Students who have gone in past years have greatly enjoyed the event. Payton Arnett put it simply by saying, “I love Harvey’s Harvest.” Another student named Rachel Pielaet voiced her opinion. “I’ve liked it in the past. The food’s good, the worship’s good.” Many students go back each year to enjoy the time with their friends.

Pastor David Kabanje stated, “Harvey’s Harvest is a great opportunity as a community to foster relationships, and to encounter Jesus.” Union Adventist University takes pride in encouraging students’ social and spiritual growth and this is one event that this mission is exemplified.

by James Smartt