Hope for Health: Go Healthy for Good reboots on the Hope Channel with new and exciting segments

This month the Hope Channel, an international Seventh-day Adventist network, rebooted a health based show called Go Healthy for Good. This show, hosted by surgeon Nerida McKibben, is currently being filmed and aired in New Zealand and includes some helpful—and shocking—topics.

One of the more controversial topics discussed on the show includes sexual health. When asked whether or not Christians should be disscussing sex, McKibben had a lot to say. “Listen,” she told Adventist Review, “I am a doctor who specializes in women’s health, and the one thing I know is that Christians, just like everyone else, have our share of questions and issues with sex. Sex is part of a healthy life, but that means ensuring we deal with STIs [sexually transmitted diseases], contraception, sexual problems, and, of course, working towards an active sex life that is satisfying to both people in a relationship. God created sex, so, yes, Christians more than anyone should talk about sex openly and constructively, advocating for God’s ideal and providing practical advice that deals with the realities we are faced with. If you wonder how we will do that, you will have to tune in.”

Another topic Go Healthy for Good is discussing is chronic fatigue. McKibben explains that while chronic fatigue can be related to depression, it is actually a unique diagnosis of its own. McKibben says, “I have wanted to tackle chronic fatigue productively on the show, explaining the issues involved and providing hope. I am so thankful that I have a physician on this season’s show who specializes in treating chronic fatigue. It is one of the most important episodes we have ever done, as this is such a massive issue.”

Other segments in the show include cooking, exercise, spiritual reflection, success stories and conversations with experts in the field of health. The new episodes also feature diverse and specific topics, such as ADHD, organizing your thoughts, herbicides in food and strengthening your brain through music. One of the episodes specifically speaks to stress in the youngest generation and what to do as a young person if your stress is affecting your quality of life.

The Hope Channel is a bountiful source of information, help, hope and connection. If you would like to check out some of their programing, visit hopetv.org. If you would like to watch an episode of Go Healthy for Good, check out hopechannel.nz or find their content on YouTube with the key words ‘the Hope Channel.’



By Annelise Jacobs