Volleyball from the cameraman’s point of view

Sports have started up once again, including volleyball, basketball and flag football. As a recently hired cameraman for UTV, I was given the opportunity to work the camera for the volleyball game that took place Monday evening, which saw the Kansas Christian College Falcons defeat the Warriors 3-0. 

I am writing this to give you, the reader, a bit of a different perspective of sports. 

It was just another day when I received a text from Nathan Sweet, saying that they needed me to work the camera as they were short one person. I went over to the Thunderdome, and the moment I walked in, I narrowly avoided taking a headshot from a stray volleyball. I could obviously see that this was a pretty intense game. 

I got camera number two, the camera that usually gets the most action shots. I started watching the game through the camera screen, realizing that you need to be very attentive, especially when working the action camera. So I did just that, trying my best to follow the volleyball as it kept getting hammered across the court. 

 I realized how much of a different perspective filming the game gives rather than just watching. When you watch a game, you can zone in and out and only pay attention to the important or exciting moments. When you are filming a game for people not in attendance to enjoy, you have to constantly give your attention to the game to deliver the best experience possible. What made this experience even better was my co-workers. Through our headsets, we’d crack jokes, try to predict how the game would end and give our reactions if something exciting happened. When it comes to sports, there are many perspectives about them that make them enjoyable, some you might not even realize until you are living that perspective.

By Evan Majors