Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report

Every year, Campus Safety Director Dustin Sauder revises and releases an Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report. What is in this forty-seven page document? Why does it matter? This report includes a lot of valuable information for your safety. But what is all in here? What are the important highlights?

The first thing you will notice from going through this report is how safe Union campus actually is. In 2021, we had a total of zero criminal offenses in on and off campus housing. 

We also are reminded of some very important rules regarding fires and fire safety. If you are ever working with different types of materials, the first thing to remember is to keep heat, fuel and oxygen separate. If there is a fire, remember to pull the fire alarm first, and then call 911. Do not use the elevators, and never put yourself in jeopardy to use a fire extinguisher.

Along with useful information on what to do in different scenarios, we are provided with some safety tips: “Never prop doors open, especially fire doors and exterior entrance doors,” “Walk on designated walkways that are well lit. Report poor lighting to the Campus Safety Department at 402-486-2911. Avoid shortcuts through areas with poor lighting,” and “Walk with confidence. Show that you are aware and in control. Body language works!” Campus Safety can help you in many ways, not only through on-foot patrols during the night, but they also provide an escort service during those evening and night time hours. 

Lastly, we are reminded of our responsibility to help keep our campus a safe place, and take the necessary steps to keeping the campus as safe as possible. I would encourage each student to look through this handbook, and read about all that is applicable to them. 

If you ever need help on campus, you can call 911, but if you have questions for information, non-emergency issues, or parking concerns, you can call Campus Safety at 402-486-2911.

By: Andrew Schwartz