Campus Ministries creates an apologetics team

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance, the only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” - C.S. Lewis

Here is a question to ponder: what if someone asked you, “Why are you a Christian?” What would you say? Or if you are not a Christian, “Why do you believe what you believe?” Studies have shown that many people make the decision to abandon their faith by the age of 13. Christian Apologist Frank Turek said, “People are getting talked out of Christianity because they’ve never been talked into it.” 

It seems that people often don’t have the “why” behind their faith. It is as if we get along just fine not knowing the “why” until we are challenged, and then we have nothing to stand on. 

There are two purposes for Christian apologetics, one is to defend our faith to the world, as the apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 3:15: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” The other is to give ourselves a firm foundation in our own faith. 

The first quote is my favorite quote from C.S. Lewis, and I use it quite often, with good reason. Even when we have all the goods, the foundation and knowledge, sometimes it remains just that. If you believe that Christianity is true, can it remain head knowledge or just a piece of your life? If you believe it to be false, why does anything matter at all? My mentor and friend Pastor Rome Ulia said, “The gospel is not an addition to your life. You don’t even know what your life is until you have the gospel.” 

If you have questions and doubts, or you are looking to strengthen that foundation, that is why this ministry exists. The UC Apologetics Team is here to have those discussions and help find answers to those questions. Daniel and I love these conversations and would love to chat with you. The QR code above has links to our social media as well as an anonymous questions link. God bless!

By: Payton Arnett