Creative Writing class exhibits in McClelland Art Gallery

Poetry, art and expression come to serve life

When it comes to creativity and art, students at Union College are never short on ideas. Last week, a class from the English program hosted an exhibit in the Ortner Center’s McClelland gallery. The exhibit was called, “Finish Your Sentence” by the Creative Writing class. The exhibit will be displayed from Monday, March 27 to Sunday, April 9.

Within the gallery, poetry and art projects were displayed. The most noticeable, however, was the mannequin with the orange jumpsuit. The gallery was also decorated with police tape, which added to the exhibit’s theme.

This event was set up by Professor Lori Peckham, a communication and English professor. The Creative Writing class is offered in odd spring semesters and hosts an exhibit every two years.

Evan Majors, one of the students with his work on display, said, “On one hand, I’m nervous about sharing my work with strangers; on the other hand, it's nice to get some recognition for all the hard work I have put into this class. If I can put something out there that is relatable to others or impacts them in some way, then it has been worth it.”

By: Robert Benjamin Tengker