Healthy habits for a happy life

Top mental health tips for college students

College can be hard. As we continue into the semester, things can stack up and we can be easily overwhelmed. I have 4 tips to help you get ahead of your problems and make your life easier from day to day.

1. Stick to a Routine

One of the most important things to do to maintain your mental health is to create a routine. Knowing what your next step in your day is can be really beneficial. This schedule can create major stability in your daily life. Not only does a routine provide stability, but also helps you establish good habits, have more self-control and procrastinate less. 

2. Creating Good Habits

Something that goes hand-in-hand with a routine is having good habits. A great routine is nothing without good habits. If you structure your life with good habits, then you might as well count yourself ahead of the group. For example, one of my good habits is waking up early on Sunday, getting my laundry done, and getting a head start on my homework for the week. This habit has been with me since the beginning of freshman year and I do not want it to ever leave me. But if you have one bad habit, it can disrupt your entire routine and all of your other good habits.

3. Know your limits

When it comes to setting your limits, you are the only one that gets to make these decisions. When you decide what limits you put on yourself, you have to be fair. Do not give in to the voice that says just ten more minutes of sleep or one more episode. Get on that laptop and get going! It is up to you when to stop or start. Remember, through it all you must make sure that your self-talk is kind and helpful. If at any point you are not kind and it becomes toxic, step away.

4. Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is very important, especially as a learning college student. We are constantly

taking in information and one of the best ways to process that information is to get proper sleep. We need our brain to process that information and we need our bodies to rest. Our bodies need the rest so we can wake up and get that natural energy to go throughout another day. It will also help you grow both mentally and physically.

By: Gabriel Sanders