Tell-tale socks

What your socks say about you

I have a confession to make. I currently own over 40 pairs of socks. I may wear 10 consistently. The others just wait in the drawer until I forget to do laundry and they become necessary. Because of the variety of socks I own, I started to wonder what socks say about a person.

Plain black: You are all business and no nonsense. I also believe you can’t take a joke, so I am going to stop talking about you now.

Color, no pattern: You are marginally fun, but you need a little coaxing. You’re usually a serious person, but when there’s an opportunity to let your proverbial hair down, you take it. You like to spend time on more relaxing activities and prefer slow, rainy days.

Pattern, always covered: You are fun most of the time, but you try to hold it together. Most people would consider you as a little distractible or absentminded, but really, you’re just bored. You like a faster day as long as you get some time to think.

Pattern, always showing: You are excitable and have never met a stranger. You wear your heart on your sleeve. You have a loud laugh and are always ready for a good time. You love hot summer days and being around people.

Ankle or shorter: You are fashionable. You know what looks good and strive to look your best. You are the student who starts the school year out looking like a million dollars and ends it the same way. You aren’t against new people, but you prefer to stick with the people you know best.

Long: You are probably athletic. Being on the go means you don’t have time for your socks to slide under your heel. It’s a sensory nightmare you just can’t deal with. You prioritize your comfort and don’t care what others think of you.

Are all of these interpretations personal opinion? Of course. I can tell you right now, I fall into three of these categories easily. It just depends on the day and what shoes I’m wearing. Do I think these assumptions are generally true? In a way, yes. You can tell a lot about a person by what they put out there. Be yourself and wear the socks that bring you joy. Let your sock game reflect your personality. It’s a lot more fun for all of us.

By: Lacey Stecker