Upcoming events from Campus Ministries

New faces and opportunities

A new semester is upon us and with it, a whole new class schedule, more homework and the first winter weather class cancellation in years. And while a few things have shifted around in Campus Ministries (CM), many great events and opportunities are in the works.

Savannah Fortney, an International Rescue & Relief major who had been serving as student chaplain for the fall semester, left campus for a semester of travel. She was replaced by Milka Mendoza Sanchez, a nursing major who previously served as Family Worship coordinator for two semesters. The new vacancy was filled by Emma Bermeo, a graphic design major. Bermeo has been serving as V2 coordinator for the past few months and was replaced by Alexandra Seferlis, another IRR major.

While there’s been some changes in positions, you can still expect the awesome events that characterized last semester. The immensely popular “Good Neighbor Show” once again premieres in Woods Auditorium this week on Thursday, January 26, this time featuring guests from the Student Missions emphasis week as well as summer camp recruiters. You will not want to miss this engaging and hilarious event, even if only to hear the distinct jazz tunes of student-led band Soulfi.

Later on in the week, CM will host Family Worship, our Friday night vespers event and close out the Sabbath with V2.

Events are not the only opportunity that CM is currently offering, however. They have recently announced that students who are willing to be part of their, “This is My Story…” initiative will be able to share a short video testimony at CM events and on their growing YouTube channel. Those who share their story will receive four worship credits for their time and effort spent, in addition to blessing others with their stories of God’s work in their lives. Those interested are encouraged to contact David Kabanje, Milka Mendoza Sanchez or Payton Arnett to be added to the schedule.

To make sure you are up to date on all that CM has to offer, make sure to follow them on Instagram and subscribe to their YouTube channel. Updates are also regularly posted to uGroups. No matter which event or opportunity works best for you in drawing you closer to Jesus, CM is excited to help that happen.

By: Charles Metz