Finals scheduled for April 30 - May 2

With final exams on the horizon, Union College students across campus should start thinking about employing various strategies to maximize their study effectiveness. From leveraging technology to embracing old school note taking, the methods vary, but the goal remains the same: survive finals. Using the following strategies can help you sail through finals and into summer.

Structured study sessions can be crucial to student success. This involves planning specific times each day dedicated solely to studying, which helps create a routine and reduce last minute cramming. Breaking study material and placing it into manageable sections can also help students tackle subjects without feeling overwhelmed.

In today's digital age, incorporating technology into study routines is another way to effectively retain information. Many online platforms, such as Quizlet, offer tools for creating flashcards, practice quizzes and organizing study materials systematically. Union College’s library and online database can also provide students access to the most relevant and helpful information.

Active learning techniques, such as summarizing notes, teaching the material to a peer and applying concepts to practical situations, can enhance retention and understanding. With study rooms in the Student Center, whiteboards in Student Success and other collaborative spaces, it is simple for students to practice this study technique in their cram time.

Reviewing past exam papers is an invaluable method for understanding the format and types of questions that may appear on the final. If you don't have any past test exams, use past assignments from the class, knowing how problems may be formatted. This practice not only familiarizes students with the exam layout, but also highlights common themes and topics they recur, guiding the focus of their revision.

Leveraging faculty office hours can significantly benefit students. Discussing difficult topics and clarifying doubts directly with professors can provide insights that are not always apparent through independent study. Professors have their available office hours posted on their syllabuses and Canvas. Furthermore, Union College has many programs and classes that can be utilized by students.

Lastly, it is crucial not to overlook the importance of physical and mental health during this final stretch. Regular breaks, maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and proper nutrition play a crucial role in cognitive function and overall well-being. Union College offers support for any students who need emotional assistance.

As final exams grow near, Union College students have a range of effective study strategies at their disposal. From embracing technology and active learning to maintaining health and seeking academic support, these methods collectively create a robust framework for success.

By Kira Kugler