Union College students face sickness outbreaks

In a concerning turn of events, Union College has seen a surge in students falling ill, prompting a closer look at the importance of health on campus. Freshmen and upperclassmen alike are grappling with various illnesses as the weather changes, leading to increased absences from classes and a growing concern within the student community.

Many students are reporting symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and fatigue, which raises questions about the overall health climate at Union College. The importance of taking preventative measures can help curb the spread of sickness on campus.

As college students, it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of new experiences, academic challenges and social activities. However, maintaining good health is crucial for success both inside and outside the classroom. Here are a few tips for Union College students to stay healthy and minimize the risk of falling ill:

Hand hygiene

Washing hands regularly with soap and water is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer for times when soap and water are not readily available.

Boost your immune system

Incorporate a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Additionally, ensure you get enough sleep each night, as a rested body is better equipped to fight off infections.

Stay active

Regular physical activity not only helps to keep one fit but also boosts the immune system. Union College provides various fitness facilities and classes, making it easy for students to incorporate exercise into their routines.

Social distancing and masking

If you are starting to feel sick and are still attending classes, you should wear a mask and practice social distancing. These precautions can significantly reduce the risk of airborne transmission of illnesses.

Stay informed

Stay updated on health advisories and any announcements from the college regarding potential outbreaks. Being aware of the situation allows people to take necessary precautions.

The importance of good health goes beyond personal well-being; it directly impacts academic performance. Falling behind on coursework due to illness can be challenging to recover from, making prevention a top priority for students at Union College.

Students are encouraged to prioritize their health and follow the recommended preventive measures. By taking proactive steps, the Union College community can collectively contribute to a healthier campus environment and ensure a more successful academic experience for everyone.

By Kira Kugler