Letter from the Editor

Dear Union,

I write this from the comfort of my dining room table, sneezing into a roll of toilet paper and drinking delicious (nasty) Kenyan tea with honey. That’s right. I have a Really. Bad. Cold.

This year, I’ve been sick seven times. That’s four times last semester, and three times this semester. Why am I telling you about my sickness?

Because I’m pretty sure it’s your fault. Well, not yours, specifically. But Union College’s fault. The Clocktower’s fault. All the stress from almost-missed deadlines, conversations with administration about articles which should definitely not go online and writers who forget to tell me they’re bogged down and can’t write this week, has really taken a toll on my health.

But, honestly Union, I’d do it all over again. Being the Clocktower editor, working to make sure your voices are heard, learning about the ins and outs of not only the process of running a paper, but the moral support writers and editors need from their head editor, has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in my entire life.

So thank you, Union. Thank you for all the colds I’ve gotten, signs of hard work put in. Thank you for your strong responses to our articles, and your willingness to write Letters to the Editor to let us know exactly how you feel about something.

Most of all, thank you for letting us grow. From spelling mistakes to weeks without distribution, you’ve never judged (at least not to my face) and never stopped reading.

Thank you to the administration of Union College, who has shown patience and willingness to let students express their opinions while also guiding me as to what’s appropriate for a community paper and what isn’t.

Most of all, thank you to my staff. Even when you, writers, missed a deadline, you made up for it with next week’s awesome article. Editors, I always knew you had my back, and this year would not have been fun without your usually corny humor.

Union, it’s been real. And it’s been real good. But also, I can’t wait to graduate. Stay calm and keep reading the Clocktower. Bye <3

Natalie Bruzon, Editor-in-Chief