Letter from the (future) Editor

I cried when I wrote my first Clocktower article.  And not the happy-I’m-excited cry. The panicked-how-to-write cry. Why did I keep going? I wanted my writing to improve, and I cared about keeping student news alive.

My writing has come a long way since those moments my freshman year, but some things remained: wanting to improve and wanting to keep student news alive.

That’s why I’m excited to tell you (if you don’t already know) that I’m the editor-in-chief for 2016-17.

Wait, how did this happen? A combination of maturing, discovering my voice and Googling “how to write a news article” all play into my path. And trust me, I still struggle with writing daily.

I’m here, though, and I’ll continue to grow because others believe in me when I can’t believe in myself. Without the bosses and mentors Union has provided me these last three years, maybe I wouldn’t be spending every Sunday trying to send an issue to print. Cliché, yes.

But the truth is that’s what makes Union, well, awesome. We’re provided opportunities to grow. Granted, not every student will take these opportunities nor put in the effort required. But I encourage you, even as the year closes and seniors take off to graduate, to never stop looking for opportunities, inside Union and out.

My goals next year include increasing readership on campus, increasing communication and prioritizing story quality. Hopefully I’ll have CLTWR nights with an open office and drinks, a couple parties, better efficiency in production and include more students and staff in articles.

But I also know next year won’t be perfect. I’ll make plenty of mistakes as editor-in-chief. Please forgive me in advance. But know that each article and issue produced is done with you, the students and readers, in mind.

This summer I’ll be brainstorming, reading and pulling together more ideas from the three years I’ve worked at The Clocktower. I care about making a student newspaper on-campus relevant and important to keep around for years to come.

If you have a suggestion, an article you’re dying to write (we pay!) or simply want to let me know you read an article, I would love to hear you. Because it’s your voice, a reader of The Clocktower, I want to hear.

Here’s to prayer, lots of green tea, and a great year for 2016-17,

Emily ‘Emy’ Wood

P.S. I’m hiring for next year! I need writers, editors and photographers. Send cltower@gmail.com an email and let’s chat. You get paid ... and free food.