Midterm mayhem: 6 tips
Don’t let midterms get you down—study hard! PC: Kimberly Ortiz
It’s time for exams. May the caffeine dependency and cramming begin. But before you start freaking out, take a deep breath, sit down and read these tips to prepare for the upcoming doom.
1. Don’t cram and study at least one week in advance.
The best gift you can give yourself this week is to have a head start on studying. You won’t be able to remember everything if you study the day or night before. Be kind to your brain and study the material days before.
2. Attend review sessions for your class.
Most teachers will offer the added help of having review sessions before the test. Do yourself a favor and go to them. They will help you understand the material better and you’ll be able to ask questions about things you don’t understand or know!
3. Make a schedule.
Making a schedule may seem like a waste of time, but trust me, it’s not. Making specific blocks of time to study each subject is helpful and will allow you concentrate better. It also gives you the luxury of having breaks in between sessions (aka treat yourself with Netflix). According to sophomore business administration major Morgan Mecklenburg, “Planning the time to study, sleep and take breaks has helped me keep focused on everything I need to accomplish.”
4. Turn off your phone.
Actually what’s better is to completely forget about your phone. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest will distract you, so put it away (and on silent) to focus on studying.
5. Study groups (with people that are actually focused on studying)
Studying with friends as serious as you are is extremely helpful. Senior business administration major Katie Morrison adds, “In group sessions you have people you can bounce ideas off of and they more often than not have the answers to questions that you missed.”
6. Make sure you get enough sleep.
Senior social work major Maile Hoffman highlights, “It’s important to get a lot of sleep leading up to exam time.” You might think staying up till 3 a.m. is helpful., but you body won’t appreciate it. Boost your chances of getting good grades and get to bed at a decent hour.
Good luck everyone and study hard!
Correction: The original posting of this article said eight tips, but it actually has six. Clearly midterms are getting to us.