More fall events at Arbor Day Farm
Lincoln isn’t the only city with fun fall activities. | PC:
In case you missed out on the ASB Barn Party, there’s another opportunity to catch up on autumn celebrations before the weather gets too cold. The Arbor Day Farm is the perfect place to spend a weekend afternoon.
“I really liked the different outdoor activities everyone of all ages can enjoy,” comments Taylor Young, a sophomore social work major. “I really liked the different outdoor activities that everyone of all ages can enjoy.”
The Arbor Day State Historical Park was the home to J. Sterling Morton who founded Arbor Day in April 1872 to signify the importance of a greener and healthier world. Since then, more than a million trees have been planted in Morton’s honor. Now, the home Morton and his wife used to live in has been turned into a museum with more than 52 rooms filled with countless historic artifacts belonging to the Morton Family.
The Arbor Day Farm and Lodge comes with different attractions at a low cost, including a nature-themed tree house adventure with interactive outdoor classrooms for young children, walking trails and treehouses. Hayrides, apple picking and corn mazes are also available and tickets sell at just $15. Activities start at 7 p.m. and end at 8:45 p.m. through Nov. 12
“There’s a lot of things to do that everyone can enjoy, even year round,” says junior elementary education major Brandyn Reeves. “The different activities make it easy to come back and have fun.”
When the fall festivities are over, Arbor Day Farm features several other activities that keep people coming back. For example, it will host a Thanksgiving buffet on Nov. 24 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Additionally, Christmas at the Morton Mansion is a one of a kind experience that goes from Nov. 19 to Dec. 30 with tickets available for only $8.
Weekends in December include the Arbor Day Farm trolley for an hour-long tour of Historic Nebraska City and a Christmas lights show with an admission price of $15. Special holiday-themed collections and music are featured to get everyone in the spirit.
The Arbor Day Farm is located at 2611 Arbor Avenue Nebraska City, Neb. 68410, which is approximately a one-hour drive, a nice trade-off for a day filled with fun. “My favorite activity was the apple picking,” comments junior math education major Meredith Lovell. “The farm is a great place for any Union student.”
For more information on the current activities and any upcoming events visit
Caroline Guchu is a sophomore studying communication.