Business leaders inspire students
Great leaders are everywhere, leaders building leaders just provides a helpful shortcut. | PC: Zach Morrison
The Business and Computer Science Division at Union College is always looking to improve the experience of their students, whether through free food at Student Appreciation Days or connecting students with business professionals by way of the Mentorship Program. One movement that has become a highlight of any BCS student’s year is the Leaders Building Leaders Conference, or LBL.
Taking the place of the annual field day all BCS students were required to attend, LBL has occured the last three years every April during Alumni Weekend. Aaron Purkeypile, accounting professor and coordinator of this year’s event, tirelessly worked to attract amazing speakers and organize a fantastic learning experience. The conference consisted of three hour-long sessions and a keynote speaker over lunch in Woods Auditorium on Frid., April 7.
This year’s line-up was heavy on the business side of things, with speakers from hospital CEOs, a lieutenant colonel of the U.S. Army, and the owner of Union College’s favorite local bakery, Goldenrod Pastries. The keynote speaker, Cary Decamp, was a graduate of Union College, as were many of the other guests. He spoke on his professional journey and how success is achieved, and defined.
In a partnership with the social work division, LBL also welcomed Ruth Few, licensed clinical social worker currently at Bryan Health. As many social work students listened, some speakers described potential career opportunities and what professional leadership might look like in those positions.
As the title of the conference suggests, each speaker touched on what students could do to lead in their chosen fields. Lieutenant Colonel Ted Hanger described his apathy during college, barely squeaking through at the bottom of his graduating class, and his determination to change and allow discipline to spill into every aspect of his life.
Angela Garbacz spoke on her time working in cold, unfriendly kitchens and realized she wanted to create an environment that empowered her employees and made them excited to come to work, leading to the development of her company, Goldenrod Pastries.
Although strongly recommended for all BCS students, LBL is open to the entire campus.
Visiting alumni have been in strong attendance every year but the BCS division welcomes all departments, faculty and staff to enjoy their event. With the involvement of the social work program, LBL was able to include a few more participants who might not have been interested otherwise.
In the future, they are looking towards more cross-division highlights to give Union students the best possible experience.
Katie Morrison is a senior studying business administration.