HOUC 92.10
HOUC is compiled by Mike Ayala.
To me, Christmas is one of my favorite holidays because of my family and the traditions that we have. Each Christmas, my cousins and I get together and raise money so that we can all pick out our gifts through a world vision catalog instead of exchanging gifts the traditional way. Another tradition when I’m with my family is that when someone gets a fire engine ornament in their stocking, it means that it’s their turn to share a memory they have of my father who passed away when I was six years old. My mother also loves Christmas, as we put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving. So, to me, Christmas traditions are dear to my heart. I mean there’s nothing like seeing my youngest siblings open presents with a facial expression of pure joy and wonder. In addition to traditions and awesome gifts, the church service during Christmas is also special to me because It reminds me that the entire reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus and his willingness to come to earth and sacrifice his life for us. To me, that is the real reason for the season.
Destaney Bohlender is a sophomore Pre-Nursing student