HOUC 92.7
HOUC is compiled by Mike Ayala
"At first, I had mixed feelings about coming to Union College and leaving my home in Africa. Especially since it’s not always easy being away from home. The distance weighs on each person differently. I know for me what brings me a sense of home is having friends here that I grew up with and that understand the separation. However, sometimes it’s nice to not only emerge into one culture. It’s a different atmosphere here at Union. This school develops its own culture in a way. For Instance, I can go to the café and not limit myself to talking to one social class, race, or religion. I really enjoy being able to connect with the people around me. it’s not always a feeling of you’re an outsider. In a way, you feel like you’re part of the Union culture with the diversity you can bring. Even though you encounter people who express a strong sense of their culture, that’s okay because you can do the same. It’s not just taking in one culture and having to be foreigner the whole time, it's about give and take. Here at Union, everyone has a chance to pitch into this big cultural pot.”
Denford Musvosvi is a sophomore studying Business Administration