Union College most eligible bachelorettes 2017

ABC’s Bachelor Nation just announced Rachel Lindsay, a 31-year-old lawyer from Dallas, as the next Bachelorette. Curious, I asked around and found out who Union’s own eligible bachelorettes are and found some real winners! They’ve got it all: brains, beauty, secret talents and guilty pleasures … these ladies are quality top shelf individuals that we’d love to see fall in love on our own campus! We go to a school filled with amazing individuals so if you take anything away from this, go out and get to know someone new.

Makayla Carlson is a second year biomedical science major and enjoys an active lifestyle. “I love hiking and spending time with my family,” she says. Her favorite place in the world is Hawaii “...because of the amazing lifestyle lived there. I hope to live there someday!” she enthuses.
One thing Union students might not know about Makayla is her secret ability to ride a unicycle. “My mom got my brothers and I one for Christmas one year since she had one as a child,” she explains. “My middle brother and I immediately picked it up! In elementary school, we did a unicycle act in the talent show each year.”
Because of the importance she places on family, Makayla likes when a guy shares that sentiment. “A guy that is family-oriented is very attractive,” she emphasizes. She explains that although she can be disorganized and can’t even organize her sock drawer, she’s pretty easy going and seems to love a good adventure.

Briggitte Chavez, a senior biomedical science student, is full of surprises. Her secret abilities include rapping with her pal, Kiara Lee-Waye Graves and joining in on karaoke.
Her grandma, Mami Nelly, is top role model. “Mami Nelly aka the woman who fixed my eyebrows!” she laughs. “Her faith is inspirational, her love is free, and she’s got this charm that makes a stranger feel like they’ve known her forever.” We don’t know Mami Nelly, but based on that description alone, we feel like she’s amazing.
“I don’t have a favorite catchphrase because puns are so much better. Especially science-related puns,” Briggitte explains. “They’re just sodium funny!” She definitely likes a guy with some smarts. “Intelligence! But even more so is someone who intentionally seeks and openly expresses their friendship with God,” Briggette says. “That’s super attractive because it tells you about the way they love themselves and others.”

Our final bachelorette is Kaytlyn Sizemore, a junior social work major. A country girl at heart, Kaytlyn has the travel bug and would love to see Greece or Ireland. She’s a contradiction of sorts, as illustrated by her choice in TV shows. “It’s a hard toss up between Grey’s Anatomy and Spongebob Squarepants,” she says.
When asked what qualities she likes in a guy, Kaytlyn gave a thoughtful answer. “Confidence and humor! I love laughing and I laugh a lot,” she says. “A good sense of humor is great. I also like a guy who knows what he wants and is confident in himself. But a relationship with God and a love for family is SO important.”
As a captain for the Union College Gymnaires, gymnastics is one of Kaytlyn’s passions. Another hobby is anything crafty or DIY. “You’ll often find me at Hobby Lobby,” she shares. “Also eating ice cream is a pretty big hobby of mine.”
P.S. Thanks Zach Morrison for the photos.

Katie Morrison is a senior studying business administration.