BCS Club: Food Truck Frenzy
PC: Levi Ventura
One of the largest and busiest clubs at Union College is the Business and Computer Science Club. The BCS Club organizes several events throughout the year and with large numbers of club members a good turnout is expected at each event. The club held its first function of the year, hosting a food truck and lawn games extravaganza on Friday, Sept. 8.
The event was supposed to take place at the Quad, but the weather had other ideas. Mist and light rain fell on the campus throughout the day, making it impossible for the games to take place outside. However, the BCS team moved the lawn games to the Don Love building atrium.
The Hurts Donuts and NuVibe food trucks set up behind the atrium. The vendors set up tents to keep the rain off the food. “It worked out in the end but we were a little bit nervous and scrambling around for a bit,” said Chrissy Gaban, BCS club president. Although the food trucks were outside in the rain, many club members, students and staff alike showed up to take advantage of the free food.
Hurts provided some of their favorites including Fred Flintstone, E.T., twix and the classic glazed donut. NuVibe served many different kinds of drinks, including smoothies, coffee and tea.
Many members could be found inside playing lawn games with their donuts and smoothies. Spike Ball was a favorite, although cornhole and ladder toss were also popular.
The BCS club events this year will include opportunities for free food and the monthly Business Awareness Series, where a business professional will present about life in the business world.
At the end of the year BCS club hosts an event called Night Under the Lights. Union’s campus is full of active clubs make sure to look into all options as the Sept. 26 deadline to sign up for clubs approaches. Available clubs can be found on the uGroups app.
Jordan Judge is a freshman studying business administration.