HOUC 92.13
HOUC is compiled by Mike Ayala.
Throughout my time at Union, I have had a variety of great experiences but some of my greatest times at Union came through participating in project impact. I love connecting with people, especially ones I’ve never met. Between making a difference and meeting new people I feel like they are both elements of great memories. One of the things I love most about this event is the great conversations you can have with people while working on your site. I also want to say that my job at Ortner has brought great memories with awesome coworkers. Even though work can be boring some days I feel like we always find ways to make things fun. As a Senior, a final message I want to leave to current and future students is to keep an open mind of those around you. I say this because you never know who you're going to meet and what they can bring to your life that just might impact you. Sometimes we get carried away with our own lives that we overlook amazing people that might change our lives. At first, you might not connect with someone but if you continue to look a little deeper you might just find something special.
Angel Phillips is a Senior studying Business Administration