How-to Beat Summeritis
PC: Kayla Potts
Summer has officially ended and coming back to college is something many students don’t look forward to. Why?
Because it means back to stressing over endless amounts of homework, attending hour-long lectures and mentally preparing for those late nights of studying.
Since you’re paying a decent amount of money to attend college, why not do whatever you can to make sure you start off your year on the right foot?
With that in mind, here are few tips that can help you beat that summeritis and get back into the swing of school.
Get back into a routine:
Having structure creates a healthy environment so all you hardworking students can thrive. This means getting enough sleep at night, eating a healthy breakfast and setting out blocks of time in your schedule for homework and studying.
Set long-term goals:
When we write down our goals, we will be more likely to achieve them. Once they’re written, place them in a visible spot to remind yourself of what you hope to accomplish. This simple starting point will help you begin the year strong and keep you motivated.
Organize, organize, organize:
Organization is the key to making your academic life less stressful.
Writing down your schedule, buying binders or notebooks for each class and investing in a planner are three simple ways to make sure you bring order to a chaotic life.
Find motivators:
Motivators are essential to make sure you have something to look forward to. It can be anything as simple as rewarding yourself with a Netflix original after finishing your homework or buying yourself something nice after acing that final exam. While school work is important, setting aside time to enjoy yourself helps keep you sane.
Reconnect with friends:
One of the best things about coming back after summer vacation is seeing your friends. Text messages, Facetime and phone calls sometimes aren’t enough to fill that void.
Take the time to hang out. Spending time with good company is a great way to keep stress levels low.
Alaysha Harris is a senior studying communication.