Oh the Places Kavanaugh Will Go
PC: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
When I woke up from my nap on Saturday afternoon, I was met with a sinking feeling in my gut. Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court. He was confirmed in a narrow 50-48 vote and will now be serving on the highest court in our country for, like, three decades.
Here are some of the reasons this was a bad decision:
Let’s start by taking the Ford allegation out for .2 seconds and look at how Kavanaugh acted during his hearing.
He was angry and explosive and very partisan, all things Supreme Court Justices shouldn’t be.
Kavanaugh even admitted he was a little too passionate, saying things he shouldn’t have during the hearing.
If he can’t control himself, then our country should pick someone that can. That alone should have been enough to revoke his nomination, but here we are.
Next comes all the people in influential positions saying this man shouldn’t be confirmed. Hundreds of law professors across the country signed a letter opposing his nomination; one of his college roommates attested to his heavy drinking, saying that Kavanaugh lied under oath.
His drinking buddies also confirmed that Kavanaugh drank heavily and that he lied under oath about it—all seemingly quite valid reasons to pick another nominee, but here we are. The Supreme Court deserves the best, especially for the amount of time they serve.
Kavanaugh’s position on the court will shift it significantly to the right, giving the chance to overturn key issues like Roe v Wade.
With this right-leaning court, laws in our country can be made in the favor of discrimination, rather than equal rights. So here we are.
A few days ago at a rally, Trump mocked Ford as a victim of sexual assault, literally saying “these are evil people,” in reference to her. Are you kidding me?
Our country is really okay with the leader of our nation mocking and insulting someone who’s gone through that type of trauma?
I’m disgusted with his actions and that disgust is bringing me to vote on November 6.
If you have any strong feelings about what’s going on in our country, please use them to change our country for the better.
Use your voice to speak out against the hatred and discrimination. Vote to make a difference. Vote to change. Vote.
Ashley Bower is a junior studying english language arts education.