Students Shine with Artistic Opportunities
PC: Levi Ventura
On Friday, Oct. 19, students in this semester’s watercolor class were given the opportunity to showcase their artwork at Noyes Gallery, a professional art gallery in downtown Lincoln. Julia Noyes, the adjunct professor who teaches oil painting and watercolor classes at Union, is the owner and director of Noyes Gallery.
For the past several years, Noyes has invited her classes to present their work in her gallery. The students have a chance to experience a professional art show atmosphere and can even put a price tag on their pieces in hopes of earning some cash.
John Michael Sagarra, a junior psychology major, explained the assignment. “We were asked to do, I think, five techniques for this. And we had to do something with light coming down. So I decided to go with the holiday season and I named it Spooky. For the background, I used gradation where I gradually out in light. We had to use a letter somewhere. I actually printed out the witch.” His other works include the Miami skyline, which he has a direct connection with because he was born there.
A couple of students were able to sell their paintings at the exhibit.
Kiana Tuilaepa, a freshman general studies major, sold her piece rather quickly to an interested art enthusiast. “The reason I drew that is because I’m so interested in elephants and I have a passion for them. So for this last project, I just drew an elephant! It’s a great experience that it got sold for $15.”
LaFawna Teseny, a freshman general studies major, also sold her painting. “My watercolor painting is called ‘Leaves’. I liked the different shapes and colors. I used a black background and it’s kind of like tye-dye around the leaves.” Although Union students only show work at the gallery once a semester, the gallery is open every first and third Friday for volunteer artists to display their work for local community members. The pieces range from paintings to handmade trinkets and most are available for sale.
In the past, Noyes has required this event for her classes, but if a student truly doesn’t feel comfortable with the event, he or she has the option to sit it out.
Spring semester registration is opening up soon, offering students more opportunities to get creative and potentially show their artistic talents to Lincoln.
Yeimy Rodriguez is a junior studying business administration.