All I Want For Chrismas Is...


Mariah Carey sings one of, if not the most, famous Christmas song of all time: “All I Want for Christmas is You.” Its’ impact is undeniable. It still makes Miss Carey so much money every year because it gets played endlessly every Christmas season. You can’t go one year without singing along with it.

Not many of us are actual Scrooges who are unable to sing along with it before Thanksgiving. Whenever it comes on the radio, even the coldest human says “wow it’s too early for Christmas music…ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU.” We all know the words to the song.

Whenever I hear it I just can’t be quiet. When Mariah sings that well-known bridge I point my fingers to my friends and sing “is you” with her. It’s just that good.

Christmas music was always a large part of the holidays in my home thanks to my mom. She played so many Christmas songs by Amy Grant, Brian Seltzer and the queen herself: Mariah Carey. I know “All I Want for Christmas is You” because it plays non-stop in my house around this time of the year. Now when it plays on the radio, I can’t get the memories of family Christmases out of my head.

Everybody knows at least one part from the song. Maybe like me, you have memories of it playing in your house. Maybe you remember it playing in stores as you shopped for Christmas gifts or even as you opened your gifts on Christmas morning. This song has been a part of much of our lives.

TJ Pittinger is a freshman studying theology.