Hey Hannah

Hey Hannah.png

Hey Hannah, How can I be happy? HELP ME!

-Unhappy Harley

Don’t try so hard. Just be the best you can be and try to accept the things that aren’t perfect about yourself. This is something I don’t have a great answer for, and some days this question pops up in my head too. Just try to remember all the good things you have in life and focus on that.

Hey Hannah, What do I do about my crush on a senior girl who is already dating someone?

-Infatuated Isaac

Try to move on from it. You’ll end up wasting time and emotions on someone who’s already in a relationship. There are so many people who are available. Get to know new people and maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for. At the end of the day, if you and this unavailable girl are meant to be together in the future, it’ll happen.

Hey Hannah, How do I end a 20-year toxic friendship?

-Distressed Diana

Have a conversation with them and let them know how you’re feeling and why. Don’t avoid them or try to be nasty towards them. You’ll end up looking like the bad guy and you really don’t need to end the relationship with negative vibes on your end. The most important thing is to not spread rumors about them or talk about what happened between you two with other people. Put yourself in their shoes and act the way you would want them to act if the situation was reversed. Ultimately, you don’t need to be friends with someone if it’s toxic. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been friends with them for 20 years or two weeks. Life is too short to be around people who don’t give you what you need in a relationship. 

Hey Hannah, What do you do if you know your friend is about to get their heartbroken and they won’t listen to your advice?

-Concerned Cara

As much as you want to help and are coming from a good place, you have to let your friend make their own decisions. You don’t know the full story, and if your friend doesn’t want to listen to you, then they really aren’t obligated. Be there to support them no matter what happens. When you’re in a relationship, sometimes you can’t see what’s right in front of you because you’re completely involved in it. Let your friend see what you see in their own time or you might lose their friendship. People have to go through heartbreak sometimes to realize what unhealthy traits in a partner look like. As brutal as that is, most people only learn from personal experience. The thing you don’t want to do as a friend is to shame or judge them for staying. Show them love and support instead, because if they decide to get out of this relationship, they will need to know you’re a safe place for them.


Hannah Armstrong is a senior studying health and human performance.