The Kurd's Catastophe

The Global Citizen


Unfortunately, the events discussed in last week's article have unfolded in a catastrophe. To recap, President Trump moved American troops out of Syria. This led to major controversy in American politics and throughout the world. Most political leaders and social media commentators predicted disastrous consequences to these actions and condemned the President's decision. Most if not all Americans believe in the importance of protecting American lives and making sure servicemen and women are not risking their lives in vain, but most people agree that the time was not right to pull troops from the Syrian civil war for a number of reasons. The House of Representatives even went as far as to have an overwhelming bipartisan vote in condemning President Trump and his decision, something that is pretty surprising especially in this day and age where most issues leave those in our government split amongst their respective parties.

Now, here is the consequences of the President’s actions: there has already been an attack by Turkey. They invaded the areas that the Kurds are living in to gain that land from the Kurdish minority. This happened only three days after the decision was made. It was not news to the world that Turkey wanted to do something of that nature. After all, the United States was allied with the Kurds to protect them in exchange for taking the offensive against ISIS.  Now that the Americans have left the area, the Kurds do not have that same protection and are forced to fight a war on two fronts--, one against Turkey and one against ISIS. This is not something that this minority can easily do, hence the reliance on American troops.


To make up for his actions, Trump has stated that he will do anything to prevent Turkish interference with the Kurds. He even goes as far as vowing to “totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey.” Even then, the Kurds are still suffering, thousands are being displaced and lives are being lost at the hands of the Turks. Not only has this void left by American troops given room for Turkey to invade and have their way with the Kurds, but it forces the Kurds to form new alliances for protection. The Kurds are now seeking protection from Russia, who is only too happy to step in and gain this ally from the United States. Not only did Trump’s decision put the Kurds in jeopardy, but it has resulted in a lost ally to the Russians.

 The current situation in Syria is a mess of massive proportions that is still developing and changing. It requires the world’s careful attention in the weeks to come since anything is possible at this point. With upcoming elections in the United States, it is also important to note the reactions and solutions of the United States political leaders regarding the consequences of President Trump’s actions. They will most likely differ greatly and have the potential to impact the United State’s position and influence on the world stage. This is yet another reason to stay tuned and stay informed on today’s world events.  

Wesley Rodriguez-Diep is a senior studying international realations.