A Look into the Past: Professor Edition - Embarrassing College Stories From Faculty and Staff Members

Becoming a professor is the pinnacle of education; you give as you once received. But professors weren’t always as sophisticated as they are now, right? They were once in our shoes, and I think that’s something that we (and they) tend to forget. So, in an effort to recall their memories and change our perspectives, I asked different professors to share some of their most embarrassing college stories. Enjoy!

“In my advanced speech course, our final project involved delivering a temperance speech at the local academy. I decided to talk about smoking, and practiced my compelling opening, convincing statistics and dramatic gestures to drive my points home. That morning, I dressed as professionally as I could in my houndstooth blazer. When I began my talk, I lifted my left arm to gesture, and my whole blazer flapped open. With horror, I realized that the safety chain on my watch was caught on the blazer button. I had to keep that arm motionless against my side, but I saved my grade by working my free arm double time.”— Professor Lori Peckham

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“I found myself at the back of the group on our hospital tour as we entered the blood bank. I began to see white spots. I told my classmate, who smiled and looked back at the speaker. Everything turned dark as I crumpled to the floor. I opened my eyes, [and found myself] attached to wires and surrounded by chatter of a handsome lab tech who threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the ER. I was mortified and wondered how I would ever become a nurse. Fortunately, God’s strength is enough for even the faint of heart.” — Dr. Rebecca Randa

“One of my most embarrassing memories from the time I was in college occurred when I was on a date. We went bowling. Let’s just say my bowling skills are not stellar. This particular time, I outdid myself by losing the ball during my swing and throwing it backwards — twice!” — Professor Lisa L. Forbes

Whether you’re at the top of the chain or just beginning your long journey, life’s a funny thing; we’ve all either been there, or will be there someday. Hopefully this reminded you that although we may be different, we still share common threads.

Dad Joke of the Week:

My mom’s mom is an English professor; I call her GrammaR.


Samuel Ortiz is a Sophomore

Nursing Major from

Orlando, Florida