Epic Major Battles of Union: Selecting One Major to Rule Them All

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 When it comes to the question of the best major, there’s no doubt in my mind it’s nursing. However, due to potential bias in my answer, I should probably present facts. But that just wouldn’t be fun, and we’re in the business of fun, literally. So, I’ll do the next best thing.

Imagine Epic Rap Battles of History without the rap and history parts, keeping the epic, and voila: Epic Major Battles of Union! In this intermittent series, I’ll be featuring two majors and having students in both majors answer questions about the other major. Sure, this probably won’t be very objective, but do we really need that? On top of that, every Wednesday with an article from this series, there will be a poll on the Clocktower’s Instagram page (clocktower_uc) where everyone can vote to choose a winner! For the series finale, we’ll have the top majors face off, and then crown the ultimate major.

I now present our first contenders: Nursing vs. Communication!

Question 1: What are ___ majors like?

“They over-analyze every conversation ever.” Alston Sibuea, Nursing

“Nursing majors are people of myth and legend. Rumor has it, if you say ‘I have so much to do. I’m so stressed,’ a nursing major will materialize to tell you how wrong you are in comparison to them.” Lacey Stecker, Comm.

Question 2: What are some stereotypes about ___ majors?

“I’ve heard comm majors never had to crack open a book. Must be nice!” Anonymous, Nursing 

“Always studying; have no social life.” Juliet Bromme, Comm. 

Question 3: At night, what do ___ majors tell themselves to go to sleep?

“That they will have job security to make them feel like their college career wasn’t a complete waste.” Anonymous, Nursing 

“Finally time to sleep. *sets alarm for one minute*” Shiloh Baillou, Comm.

Question 4: Where are you most likely to find a ___ major on a Sunday?

“Either at a coffee shop talking it up with friends, or hiding cause I’ve literally never met or seen any of them.” Gabby Gibson, Nursing

“Crying in the library, contemplating their existence and why they chose this major.” Drew Allen, Comm.

So, there you go. Who do you think is the winner between these two majors? Let us know on our Instagram poll today. See you next time on Epic Major Battles of Union!

Dad Joke of the Week:

What do you get when you have a nursing and a communication major in the same room?

A lot of debt...that’s it...there’s no joke...go ahead...you can cry...


Samuel Ortiz is a Sophomore

Nursing Major from

Orlando, Florida