Frenchify That Valentine's


French Valentine’s Days are very similar to Valentine’s Days in the rest of the world. There are a plethora of options you can take in order to make it into the holiday of love instead of just a day with a fancy name. Gentlemen, if you were looking for a way to Frenchify this lovely holiday for you and your significant other look no further. I have for you a few tips and tricks to make this year go different. Am I an expert in this matter? Well you can't prove that I'm not, so buckle up and prepare for your French Valentine's Day Crash Course. 

Chocolate - Valentine’s chocolate is everything! There is actually a reason for why this holiday is unhealthily obsessed with chocolate. Historically, chocolate was first popularized in Europe as being an aid for falling in love, which led to the integration of the idea that chocolate equals love. This year do both you and your SO a favor and don’t buy this from a gas station. Put some time into the selection; even if they don’t want it, it’s still a win–win!


Cheese - Language of love? French. City of love? Paris. Country of love? France. Food of love? Not cheese, but it definitely adds flavor to any situation. Want to spice up a situation? Whip out a block of cheese and you are the life of the party. Trust me, I'm an expert. On a more serious note, fancy cheese and a picnic is more romantic than you think fellas. I would not recommend getting this from a gas station.

Capri Sun - You know what's really romantic? That scene they have in every good romantic movie where the main characters sit together and share a glass of wine. Wine is bad, don't do that. Instead I suggest using a Capri Sun. It’s much more romantic to whip out two Capri Suns and dramatically hand one over then lugging around a big clunky bottle of grape flavoured alcohol.

For those who are single this Valentine’s, don’t worry, these three C’s work just as well for you as they do for couples. Good chocolate is still better than cheap chocolate, gas station cheese isn’t a great idea and Capri Suns are literally for everyone. I hope that this was able to help you frenchify your Valentine’s just a little bit, Happy Valentine’s!

Alexander Nesmith is a sophomore studying communication.