Hey Hannah

Hey Hannah.png

Hey Hannah, How do I budget my money for the month?

- Spendthrift Sarah

Separate your needs from your wants. Make a list of monthly expenses that are strictly needed, and then make a list of your wants. This helps keep spending in check. Subtract your needs expenses from your monthly salary and then decide what to do with the leftover. The smart choice would be to put a portion of the surplus money into a savings account. Planning ahead financially for your future is important as you transition from the role of college student to college graduate. There are also many tracking tools you can use to keep your budget in order. Apps like LearnVest, Mint, Slice or even an excel spreadsheet. Use whatever keeps you accountable. With this in mind, spending money on your wants isn’t always a bad thing. Find a balance that works best for you and your wallet. 

Hey Hannah, I’m having an issue with how a professor is grading my work. What should I do?

- Anxious Alex

Set up an appointment with the professor and communicate how you’re feeling. There might be a reason for the grade, and if you don’t ask, there’s nothing that can be done. Express your frustrations and let them know you care about the grade. If they disregard your concerns, there are other people that can help. Ask your advisor what to do or talk to other professors in your department.

Hey Hannah, I was thinking about doing the ACA program, but I don’t know if it’s something I should do. 

- Roaming Romeo

The ACA program is a wonderful opportunity to learn about new cultures, meet new people and experience life in a way you’ve never experienced before. My year abroad was the best year of my life. I often hear concerns about not graduating in four years, not knowing the language and not being sure if it’s affordable. There are many people on this campus you can ask these questions. Talk to your advisor about your 4-year plan. I spent a full-year abroad and I’m still graduating in four years. It took summer classes and hard work when I came back, but it’s completely possible. The Humanities division will have answers about costs, start and finish dates, dorm structure and program excursions or activities. My biggest piece of advice for you would be don’t let the fear of the unknown scare you into staying in the States. Chances like this are rare, so seize the opportunity. 


Hannah Armstrong is a senior studying health and human performance.