News Flash: Climate Disruption is Real - Continued Apathy Explains Why This is Still, a News Flash


The climate is changing, drastically. Within the last year, Alaska has recorded its warmest documented year (Rosen) and in Africa, where agricultural productivity is in decline because of droughts and cyclones, the food scarcity tipping point is looming (Brown). These are only two out of a myriad of examples showcasing how the climate is disrupting ecosystems and the individual.

Until there is less apathy and ignorance concerning climate change and global warming, these effects on the planet cannot be reversed. 

While the United Nations, non-governmental organizations and climate councils strive to find macro-scale solutions to combat climate disruption, there are actions the individual can take to be kinder to the environment. 

  • Eat less meat-based meals.

Preferably a lot less. If you want to become an all-out vegetarian or vegan, I support that. However, simply cutting down on the amount of meat in your diet would reduce the methane emissions produced by animal digestion processes. In case you didn’t know, methane is horrible for the environment. 

  • Don’t pollute.

Stick that chip bag or candy wrapper in your pocket until you find a trash can. It’s not difficult. Also, if you want to switch to a hybrid vehicle, that works too – I would’ve led with that, but I’m trying to be cognitive of fellow college students on a budget. 

  • Use less water.

And, while you’re at it, cut down on the plastic water bottles. Buy a metal one and fill it with water. When it is empty, fill it again. 

  • Recycle and reduce.

Milk cartons, newspapers, plastic food containers, glass, fruit peels and metal cans are all items that can be recycled. Reducing waste not only prevents the overflow of landfills, but saves energy and reduces pollution (in case you missed it, see step two).  

  • Maximize paper use.

Many grocery stores offer the option of plastic or paper bags. Do the environment a favor and pick paper. Also, if you journal, take notes or just like to doodle, use up the whole sheet before moving on to the next. The trees being stripped of their fibers will thank you. 

  • Plant trees. 

Forest deforestation is one of the leading causes of climate disruption. Since plants and trees soak up carbon dioxide (which is the major greenhouse gas), when they are cut down, they release this stored energy into the air. And then, the atmosphere gets warmer and warmer and warmer …

Similarly, when there aren’t trees to take in the carbon dioxide that humans exhale, it also adds to the greenhouse gasses. And then, the atmosphere gets warmer and warmer … They’re basically nature’s vacuum made specially for carbon dioxide. And when you stop vacuuming, things get trashy. 

This is not a partisan issue. This is not an issue ushering political polarization. This is not Greta Thunberg’s brainchild conceived to attract attention. 

One doesn’t need to travel to Greenland to admit it’s melting; climate disruption doesn’t disappear when it’s swept under the rug. Do your part.


Juliet Bromme is a Junior

Communication Major from

Longwood, Florida