No News is Good News... So What Do I Talk About?

This week was a pretty uneventful week. No truck crashes into Taco Inn, no fires, no power outages...oh wait. So, we did have a power outage that was across Lincoln. A lot of people were without power on Sunday night for a few hours, including all of Union College. The outage was due to the storm coming through with intense winds and some rain. But once that passed, power came back and everything was back to normal. Maybe that was the most interesting thing that happened in Lincoln. So, if that is it, what do I write about?

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Sometimes we just need some good news. If there is not any terrible news, then maybe that makes this a good week. We made it past midterms. THAT’S A BIG DEAL. I hope that you are all doing well. Right now, we might just need something to bring a smile to our lives. But how exactly can we do that when we are swamped, stressed, tired and even more things that may feel like a weight on our shoulders?

What can be done for ourselves and what can we do for others? There might actually be a lot. With everything required of us right now, it seems difficult to do what makes us happy, let alone make someone else smile.

Let’s start with making yourself happy. What do you like to do for fun? What do you do when it is not a crazy semester with assignments? Can you do this on a smaller scale here? For me, I love to read books. My days are full of reading them for assignments, writing papers and doing whatever needs done for The Well. Sometimes it seems like it is impossible to balance everything out and take time for myself. But take time to enjoy something for yourself. if you can take 15 minutes to do something that makes you happy, then do it. Spend time with friends not studying, watch that anime, read a good book, play that game, do something you love.

 If you can bring someone else with you while you do that, then that might just be what both of you need. We need to remember that others need to smile as much as we need to. So make someone smile today.


TJ Pittinger is a Sophomore

Theology Major from

Gilson, Illinois