Sorting Hat: Building Edition - Which Union College building Are You?
What word describes you best...
A) Old-Soul D) Shy G) Lover
B) Versatile E) Artistic
C) Athletic F) Explorer
If you said:
A) Prescott Hall: You’ve lived through a lot and it shows. You just want to chill and take things slow. Sometimes you slack on making improvements because it would take a lot. Like the elevator, regardless of which way you’re headed, you’ll take it slow and steady until you get there.
B) Ortner Center: Unlike Cardi, you cook, clean and everything in between. You aren’t the best at one particular thing, but you’re good at many. You love trying everything; how else will you know if it's your thing? You don’t get flustered because you’re flexible. Either way, you’ll manage. Ortner, with its many roles, is the place for you.
C) Rees Hall: If there’s movement, you’re there. You’re usually getting your friends to be active with you too; elevators don’t exist for you and neither should they for others. You feel most alive when you’re active or working toward a dream. You don’t like taking the easy way out; you’ll work for your goals, no matter what.
D) Carnegie: You rehearse before saying “here” during attendance.You try your best to not stand out, but deep down, you have a fire personality, you just choose not to let everyone see it. Like Carnegie, you don’t need a lot of attention to be happy, but when you do, you bring the heat and have all eyes on you.
E) Engel Hall: You can sing, you can dance and this isn’t even France. However, people don’t see your rough days, and at times it can feel isolating. Engel Hall won’t judge; it has experienced horrendous “practice” sounds and beautiful performances, and you can find respite in that.
F) Dick Building: You love novelty and experiencing everything! You are here to make the most out of life. This is why the Dick Building is your special place: the sights, the smells, the sounds - you won’t run out of stimuli there.
G) Don Love: You can’t get enough of love and loving! You are passionate about the things you love and want to share that. Sometimes though, you love others too much and forget to love yourself. As the name implies, this is the building for lovers, with everything there is to love: food, books, noise, quiet, activity, rest.
Dad Joke of the Week:
Why did Cardi B file for divorce?
To offset her marriage.
Samuel Ortiz is a Sophomore
Nursing Major from
Orlando, Florida