Union Adjusts Worship Credit Requirements in Wake of New School Year... Again
There have been a lot of changes this year. COVID-19 forces us to acclimate to a new day to day life. It has complicated the back-to-school routine, including here at Union College. We all have to wear masks and social distance in buildings. We have to wipe down our chairs and desks. We have a tape telling us which way to walk in the halls. But what are some non-COVID-19 changes at Union this year? Well, worship credits for one.Worship credits have changed yet again, and last year's rumors about doing away with uGather turned out to be false.
The uGather location has been changed: from the CVC church to outside at the clocktower to help reduce the chance of COVID-19 transmission. Its attendance is still required. Students must be present at 12 out of the 15, so everyone has three skips. However, in the event that students are in isolation or quarantine, Union has made an exception for them to not be docked for not attending. There is also a process to appeal required uGather attendance, although as Rich Carlson, Union College chaplain and Vice-President for Spiritual Life put it, it is for instances such as “a single mother taking a few classes who would have to drive to Union just to attend uGather.” He continued to say that the point is to create community, not to create undue stress on students. From a 2019 survey I conducted, 55% of responding students and staff reported that the feeling of community had improved due to uGather.
Worship credits are required again, although not nearly as many compared to before uGather was initiated. On-campus students are required to attend at least two non-uGather worship events a week, while off-campus students are required to attend at least one other worship event. These events can include small groups, athletics worships, dorm worships, V2 or vespers. Small groups can meet at any time and anyone can lead them, so if you need more opportunities for worship credits, consider starting your own small group. Contact student life to get it approved to provide credit. Attendance for uWorship can also be waived, along the same principals of uGather attendance waiving. Contact student life for more information on waiving of attendance for both uGather and uWorship this year. Overall, there have been several changes to the way uWorship works, but the basics are quite similar to last year.
Jade Covel is a Senior
Religion Major from
Topeka, Kansas