Dorm Life Versus Village Life: An Inquiry


Another school year is coming to a close, and with that comes saying goodbye to many of our senior friends … and hello to the many newly-vacant off-campus housing spots! As I am nearing that fork in the road where these are the sort of options I can start thinking about, this is something that has been on my mind. On one hand, sure, village life does sound attractive, but dorm life also has its perks right? 

To get a better and clearer picture of people and their experiences on either side of the literal and metaphorical parking lot, I reached out to see what exactly life is like for each respective side. 

What is one thing that makes dorm/village life superior?

“Living in the dorm is pretty nice; I get to be with all of my pals. It’s really nice being just a few doors away from people you like. That’s probably one of the only upsides.” 

Gavin Forbes

“Having my own space and not having to live by the dorm rules like curfew or nightly check and everything. Also, not having to climb four flights of stairs every time I want to go home!” 

Shelby Jongema

What’s the thing you hate the most about dorm/village life?

“The thing I hate most about dorm life is that the walls are so thin and I can hear people from many doors down. I've occasionally heard someone playing the recorder and, in those times and many, wished the rooms were a bit more soundproof.” Megan Johnson

“I live about 15 minutes away from the school so I would say paying for gas lol … and maybe driving in the snow when it snows.” Teddy Manase 

What would it take for you to become a village/dorm student?

“Nothing really. If I was eligible to be a village student then I would be one right now. It's cheaper by far.” Finn Stevens

“It would take annual paid trips to Cancún to get me in the dorms.” Sarah Johnson

It seems to me that based on these responses, one could come up with a definitive conclusion to the question of dorm versus village, and yet, I remain curious as to what the general opinion is. Let me know which one you think is better on our Instagram account this Thursday (@uc.clocktower), and make sure to come back for part two next week, but this time with faculty and staff!


Sammy Ortiz is a junior

nursing major from

Orlando, Fla.