“Stop Asian Hate” Has Arrived in Lincoln: You Can Get Involved

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“Stop Asian Hate” has been a movement that has travelled quickly thanks to social media. It started out of a need to speak out against violence against members of the Asian American community. It can be traced back around the start of COVID-19. When the virus was thought to be an “Asian virus,” members of the Asian American Community were in fear around this time for what their neighbors would do and feared discrimination because of the view that COVID-19 was their personal faults. 

Recently in Lincoln, “Stop Asian Hate” has made its presence known. There was a march that went through the Asian supermarket area and ended at the Capitol building. This was a very specific, very intentional trek that was made. The march went through the area with a high Asian-American population in order to show support for those in need. They ended at the Capitol in order to show that there are many people in support of the movement–those wanting change within the community.

Some of our own Union students were able to get involved with the movement itself. I was able to speak to our own Gabriel Zita who was at this march. He had heard about the event through a friend who attends UNL. He mentioned that while there were less people than at Black Lives Matter marches, there were still a large number of people showing their support. And of course, more joined along the way. 

We had spoken about what movements are able to do when there are actual people involved. We talked about everything from Slacktivism on social media and actual activism in the real world. What he saw that day on the march was real activism.

You too, have the opportunity to get involved with the movement. If you feel so inclined, then reach out to people you know, ask if there is an opportunity and bring your friends. #StopAsianHate.


TJ Pittinger is a junior

theology major from

Gilson, Ill.