Union Through Their Eyes: Students From Other SDA Universities Review Union

As most of you know, Union is currently undergoing a rebranding process. But what is Union’s current image? To find out, I decided to look for the most unbiased, objective group of people that could best answer that question … and so I turned to fellow students from other SDA universities. Here’s what they had to say. 

Writer’s note: If you don’t dwell on the fact they’re talking about us, the responses are actually really funny.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Union”?

  • “When I hear ‘Union’, I think of cornfields, rednecks, people with no sense of adventure, and the dump school for all Adventist high schools from west of the Mississippi to Nevada.” – Anonymous, Walla Walla

  • “I think tumbleweeds in a barren land. I think CCM music.” – Jurnee, Oakwood

  • “Middle of nowhere.” – Lexie, Southern

  • “Small.” – Kyle, SWAU

Out of all the SDA schools, where would you rank Union and why?

  • “I’m not sure of a numerical value, but I’ve heard Union has great programs and offers cool degrees like the wilderness rescue or something like that.” –          Lexie, Southern

  • “No. 3; I’ve heard good things about the school next to SWAU and Andrews.” – Kyle, SWAU

  • “I would rank them right below Southwestern.” – Anonymous, Oakwood

  • “Out of all the SDA schools, I’d probably rank Union somewhere in the middle.” – Anonymous, Walla Walla

What’s a good thing you’ve heard about Union?

  • “A good thing is probably that their men’s soccer is pretty decent. Academically, nothing.” – Maritza, SWAU

  • “It doubles the population of Nebraska in the school year. Who knew broke college students could actually stimulate the economy?” –  Tyler, Southern

  • “I’ve heard that the programs are really good and that a lot of people really enjoy the professors and classes. The professors are really nice and the classes are well-constructed.” – Anonymous, Walla Walla

  • “Their nursing program.” – Anonymous, Oakwood

What would it take for you to transfer to Union?

  • “The school itself would have to move to another state.” – Jurnee, Oakwood

  • “The world.” Anonymous, Walla Walla

  • “Somebody to kill me as soon as I got there. Or maybe if global warming moved the coastline to Kansas.” – Tyler, Southern

  • “I honestly don’t think that anything Union has to offer will make me transfer. I have such a good film program here at SWAU, I don’t think anything in the SDA world will change my mind.” – Maritza, SWAU

Well, it looks like maybe rebranding isn’t such a bad idea after all!


Sammy Ortiz is a junior

nursing major from

Orlando, Fla.