Dating with distance

Spring is a time of new life, new growth and new love. Yet right around the corner is summer, a time tragically resulting in separation for new couples. Some couples will stand the test of time, while unfortunate others will not be able to cope with the distance.

Here’s some advice for those new couples (shoutout to the student missionaries and soon-to-be graduates) who are going to deal with long distance over the summer and possibly even into next school year.

1. Always remember why you’re in the relationship.

Kimberly Peterson, a senior business major, has been in a long distance relationship for six months. She states adamantly that, “Long distance relationships are for adults only.” You need to be an adult about your relationship. If you’re in the relationship for the right reasons, distance won’t matter. The relationships that last despite the distance are usually those who are friends first and those who see potential for a future together. If you don’t see yourself with that person five months down the road, then you won’t be with them after distance separates you.

2. Set up times to talk.

Peterson says communication is key for long distance relationships. The wonderful thing about dating in this day and age is that technology helps with staying in touch. Texting, Snapchat, Skype and Facetime are just a few of the methods of staying in contact over the summer. Come up with an agreed upon time every day, or even every week, to spend a little time talking with each other.

3. Be patient and understanding.

You’ll both have your own things going on. They may want to spend time with their friends and that might interfere with your daily set aside time to talk. You need to understand you’re not entitled to each other’s time. The time you spend talking to each other is precious and you should never fight over lost time. The key is being understanding of and patient with the situation.  

4. Stay positive.

Hailey McIntosh, a junior history education major, has been dating her boyfriend for a year and a half. However, two-thirds of that time is spent apart. She describes her long distance relationship as “a day by day struggle, honestly.” McIntosh suggests taking a deep breath and reminding yourself everyday can be a good day, even while missing your significant other. The situation is only temporary. You will be able to make it through the summer if your love truly resides between you and you try your best to make things work. Long distance is not the end. Sometimes, it is the best beginning.

In the end, long distance couples can survive just as well as other couples; it just requires extra understanding, patience, teamwork and love. As long as you’re in the relationship for the right reasons and strive to make it work, your relationship has a pretty high chance of surviving the hot summer months.

Sara Roberts is a junior Business Administration and English major.