A message from the ASB Vice President


This school year, I will make sure Student Senate works on what the students want to improve on campus. For example, I know a lot of students would like to be able to use the gym and the 49'ers field more often. Some would like to have a varsity soccer team and have a kitchen in Prescott Hall. I believe that Student Senate is a place where positive changes can be made to make our school even better. Make sure to contact your senators so that you can pass along any potential bill ideas you may have. Student Senate's goal is to serve the student body and to make sure that the student’s voices are heard by the administration. If you want to contact me directly, email me at jeanchristian.toure@ucollege.edu. I will be glad to hear any ideas you have to make our school better.


Student Senators

Claudia Bauermeister — 1st Floor Rees
Rebecca Ackah — 2nd East Rees
Roxanna Vasques — 2nd West Rees
Salem Ndaissala — 3rd East Rees
Renae Cross — 3rd West Rees
Angie Onyangore — 4th East Rees
Nathalie Hamilton — 4th West Rees
Angel Philips — Culver Annex
Nathanael Torres — 2nd Floor Prescott
Weston Lively — 3rd Floor Prescott
Sean Gillis — 4th Floor Prescott
James Clague — 5th Prescott
Jonathan Deemer — 6th Floor Prescott
Daniel Delgado — 7th Floor Prescott
Andrew Cabrera — 2nd Floor Culver
Chulapa Sirisatit — Village
Gemedi Bakuto — Village
Edward Onyangore — Village

Jean Christian Toure is a junior studying computing