HOUC 92.5
HOUC is compiled by Mike Ayala.
"Isaac Newton once said, 'If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.’ My vision for the team this year is to stand on the shoulders of coach Dodds and the players that came before. They developed this program and we want to continue the growth of Christian leaders through accountability as well as respect for God, others and themselves. Through character development, Drew Mekelburg and I want to help our guys continue to produce excellence in academics, physical development and Christian leadership. We know what we are as a basketball program and we know what we aren’t. We also understand that our guys are going to leave Union College and pursue careers, become fathers, business leaders and leaders in their churches and community. So, we want to provide a place or a foundation where they can make mistakes, learn and grow. Ultimately, we want our guys to leave better prepared as leaders for this world.
When the conversation started I was humbled by the opportunity. I have a lot of respect for Rick Spaulding and Coach Dodds. They have meant a lot to me and helped me grow into being where I am now. It has been a humbling experience to be asked to coach the Men’s Basketball Team here at Union College. It’s not something I would’ve dreamed of being able to do. I also feel really honored to take over for a man who has basically taken the basketball program in the last 30 years and developed it into what it is today. The program has a long history of players that have come through and developed into great leaders. Part of that comes from Coach Dodds' commitment to building leaders along with facilitating wonderful memories and experiences. So, to me, it is just an honor to follow in his footsteps".
Aaron Purkeypile is part of the Accounting Faculty & Head Coach of the Warriors Basketball Team