Tiny Hands Extends Their Reach
PC: guidestar.org
Returning students may’ve noticed that one of Union’s longest running clubs seemed to be missing this year. Thankfully, this wasn’t the case.
This year, Tiny Hands Amnesty International Club has made the decision to become the Social Justice Club. “[It] gives us more of a broader region to work with,” Racquel Amich, club president and sophomore IRR major, says. “We want to widen our spectrum of who we help.”
The Tiny Hands Amnesty International Club, started by Professor Chris Blake, focused on raising awareness and working against human trafficking in Lincoln. The club is now run by Union’s Guest Services Director, Marcia Nordmeyer and focuses on multiple issues along with human trafficking.
“We want to work primarily with youth,” says Jacqueline Walker, a Senior elementary education major. She’s been involved with the club since her freshman year and now serves as the vice president. “Particularly youth who have immigrated here because of the rising immigrant population in Lincoln.”
With the new change, the club plans to focus on a specific theme each month. October’s theme will be Black Lives Matter and the club plans to attend Ross Theater to watch “Whose Streets,” a documentary on the Ferguson uprising.
Walker says that the club also plans on participating in the I’ve Got a Name: No Girl For Sale Walk on October 21st. “We’ll march down town Lincoln to raise awareness and money for the human trafficking problem here in Lincoln,” Walker says “[The problem] is huge.”
The club is also planning a self defense seminar. While the details of event are still being worked out, they’re hoping it can be made campus wide to reach more students.
Having only 21 members at this time, the club isn’t one of the largest on campus, but their passion for making a difference in the community burns strong. They seek to bring awareness and change both on Union’s grounds, as we see during Union’s annual peace week, and throughout the streets of Lincoln.
Non-club members are also encouraged and welcome to attend the Social Justice Club events, although they will have to pay for their own fees. Working with the club can be a great way for students to build up volunteer hours and help people in the community at the same time. For more information on upcoming events, keep an eye out for posters around campus.
“We are a group of humans committed to helping other humans regardless of gender, sexuality, race--regardless of anything. We just want to help other people and raise awareness,” Walker says. “We’re the justice league of Union.”
If you’re interested in learning more about the Social Justice Club, you can reach Racquel Amich at racquel.amich@ucollege.edu. You can also join the Social Justice Club at the beginning of the spring semester.
Amanda McCarter is a junior studying biomedical science.