President's Corner 91.10

Hakuna Matata.

Here is a phrase that carries weight as we enter a new year. I’ve always held to the belief that Jesus was the first to coin that phrase, even before Walt Disney.

Welcome back my friends. To the fresh and vibrant new faces on our campus, I extend a hand of welcome and hope Union will become more than buildings and classrooms, a place you call home, a place of growth in spiritual matters and in character.

To our returning students, I pray we finish the year strong and welcome our new friends. This semester, I urge each of you to live in an exceptional and extraordinary way. Jim Elliot, a missionary to the Auca people of Ecuador once said, “Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so EXTRAORDINARY a GOD.”

End quote.

This is what I base my challenge on. How can we, as a family, grow in such a way that shows the world we serve an EXTRAORDINARY God? How much damage can we do for God’s Kingdom if we rally ourselves together, arm in arm, in bonds of unconditional and radical love?

I don’t ask these questions for the sake of taking space on a page but for thought. My vision for this semester is to see each of you on fire for excellence. To see you be passionate about your spirituality, thoughtful of the world around you and serious about having fun and engaging in genuine relationships.

Again, I say to you my friends, be extraordinary, for you are made by an EXTRAORDINARY God.

Grow in ways that surprise you, challenge yourself to a higher height each day, wake up with smile, laughter and the vigilance that claims, “today will be the best day ever.” In summary, don’t play small.

-The President’s Corner

David Kabanje is ASB President and a senior theology major.