#UnionUnited: Connecting the college experience
PC: Integrated Marketing Communications and Emily Wood
The human need to connect is as fundamental as food or water. Our social environments shape us, and we suffer greatly when our relational bonds are threatened. My last year at Union has been messy and at times pure chaos, yet everything tied together to fulfill my needs.
I started working four years ago for The Clocktower as a way to grow; I’d say I’ve earned my petals.
PC: Integrated Marketing Communications and Emily Wood
But, I can’t take credit. This newspaper wouldn’t be possible without the students who write, editors who give feedback and designers who spend hours (HOURS) putting everything into layout. Without a sponsor who supports and readers who correct mistakes, The Clocktower wouldn’t exist. And, ultimately, without God I wouldn’t have a purpose to bring everything together.
Student newspapers serve many purposes. This past year reminded me why I believe having student led programs is fundamental to institutions–connecting the campus and capturing the college experience.
I’ve made this last issue different than standard news. Inside you'll see that not just one detail highlights Union. Pieces play together to connect our unique college experiences. Relationships ribbon through every story.
PC: Integrated Marketing Communications and Emily Wood
My next chapter in life is about to begin, one with new jobs, marriage, Colorado living and more. I know my experience from Union will help me continue excelling as I leave this college in the West. I hope as you read you'll see Union College as a special place, one where we as humans can fulfill our deepest needs spiritually, emotionally and academically. Yes, there are challenges. Union isn't perfect. But then again, none but Jesus are.
In the words of Azar Nafisi, “You get a strange feeling when you’re about to leave a place. Like you’ll not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you’ll never be this way again.”
Emily Wood is a senior studying communication