Finding God Among the Bouquets and Boutineers
PC: Esther Pervis
Hardly Worthy
When I was in highschool I had the idea that as soon as I graduated from college, I’d get married. I’d go adventuring with my spouse for a few years and then I’d start having children. Now we’re in college.
We’ve reached a time in our lives where dating usually means something more and engagements happen by storm.
This can leave some of us feeling broken. What’s wrong with me? Why didn’t I find the right person in college? Or maybe you’re asking yourself; I have a boyfriend, but how do I know this is the person I should devote the rest of my life to?
These are valid questions that there are no black and white answers to (which is eternally frustrating for some of us).
You pray to God for guidance and spend time asking yourself the big questions. Talking to my good, yet single, friend Kathryn, I asked how she feels about her singleness.
“On Sabbath afternoon, there were couples in all these hammocks and it was just me by myself. There’s them and there’s me. I don’t need to be in a relationship in this moment, but it’s always a reminder. Oh, they are together and I’m single. I also used to find it hard to be content. Like why don’t guys like me? But then I realized that for me to be sad about not having the qualities that other girls have is just unrealistic. You need to be content in yourself and not wait for someone to make you content. I know who I am and that’s actually one of the reasons I haven’t dated because I needed to find myself.”
Knowing who you are as a person is one of the most important things we can do. God tells us not to worry about tomorrow because those worries create a barrier between our already fragile connection with Him.
Start a conversation with Him and let Him guide you: single or not.
Conversation starters:
For my single friends:
What kind of person am I looking for? What are deal breakers for me in a friendship or relationship? Make a list but allow yourself some flexibility.
Ask God to guide your heart and prayers so you can begin to prepare for whoever God has in mind.
For my dating friends:
Think outside the box.
Spiritual: What does worship mean to you? How do you view God?
Everyday life: Do you budget? What age did you think you were gonna be married by? Ask questions to grow with one another.
Kasondra Reel is a senior studying nursing.