One Nation Under God


Helloooooo Union! My name is Jacob Sanchez. I am the new Republican writer for the Clocktower. It is my honor and privilege to write about some of the great Republican morals and be able to share it with you all here at Union.

Here is a little bit about myself: I am from one of the few great Republican towns left in Calif.--Bakersfield. I strongly support and have great respect for the Republican party and their values. I look forward to having civil conversations and debates with my fellow political writer on the Democratic side and with all of you.

I hope that I can bring understanding to some of the current issues facing our great nation. I will try my best to bring you full coverage of these issues and avoid any fake news. I will share my investigation of the good, the bad and the ugly that is prevalent in our country today. I believe that with the political state our country is in, I will not be in short supply of material to share. I will cover the presidential race that is starting to pick up pace as well as the ongoing debate about the border wall and the push for harsher gun control. The constant attacks and false claims brought against the president by the media and those who wish to see him fail will also be covered.

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I know both political parties have been called liars, hypocrites, money-hungry and more, which unfortunately in many cases is true. My desire is to write about and reflect the core values that are not only held as Republicans, but as Americans. We must refuse to let emotions outweigh the facts and we must continue to hold our views and beliefs to the highest standards. We must not let the U.S. Constitution be treated as though it is nothing more than a worthless piece of paper. We must uphold the American values that our great leaders put in place so many years ago.

I ask that no matter which side you are on that we all pray for the leaders of our country so that we will once again be one nation under God. I look forward to this new year. May God bless each and every one of you.

Jacob Sanchez is a freshman studying general studies.