PC: Britni Conrad
Hardly Worthy
It’s been a crummy couple of weeks for—extreme cold, snow that turns to ice and constant clouds. The news isn’t any better. The world is kind of depressing, and with school on top of the weather, I can imagine some of you are feeling low. As I’m sitting here on my couch, I’m remembering two conversations that stirred my heart. I’d confided in two people that I’m feeling in over my head spiritually and they responded similarly. The essence, “but isn’t it great that God is willing to carry that burden so we can have peace?”
That struck me right in the heart— I spend way too much time and effort working it out myself.
I feel like the guy who was stuck on his roof in a hurricane. As the waters rise, he cries out to God for help. God sends a man in a canoe. When the man offers to help, he responds, “I’m praying to God and He’ll save me.”
So the man with the canoe paddles off. Two more people, one in a boat and one in a helicopter, provide the same offer, but the man gives the same reply. They too, go away. Soon, the waters rise too high and unfortunately, the man drowns. When he’s reunited with God, he cries “why did you let me drown?” to which God responds, “I sent a canoe, a boat and a helicopter, what else could I do!?”
If he had taken advantage of any of those vehicles, he would have had quite the story of God’s grace. Yet, he was left asking for more and wondering where God was. Sometimes we’re the drowning man. We ask God for his guidance, but still try to do things our own way and end up carrying the burden ourselves. Then we are left questioning why He never came to our rescue. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (NKJV) In our weakness, God is his strongest.
Other times, we’re the rescuer or the uplifter. We’ve been convicted with an urge to do or say something. God reminds us: “The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that.” (proverbs 29:25 MSG) Whether we’re the rescued or the rescuer, He will provide us with the strength to overcome our weaknesses. It’s okay to not be okay and ask for help or prayer. It’s also okay to offer a prayer or hug and remind someone that God’s working for our good.
Kasondra Reel is a senior studying nursing.